Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Coin Drive & Car Wash

From May 24 to May 27 the school is partisapating in a coin drive to raise funds for Juvenile (Type 1) Diabetes Research. this fundraiser is being spearheaded by Maddie, our Canadian Ambassador (see side panel) for JDRF. Maddie and her 'Monster's' will be walking in the Telus Walk for a Cure on June 12th. All spare change is appreciated. Not only will you be helping this good cause, but the class with the most money wins a pizza party! On June 4th, there will also be a car wash held at Gibsons Park Plaza to raise funds for Maddie's Monsters.

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Bake Sale for OSCAR

Just a reminder that there is a bake sale at the school, this Thursday during lunch, to raise money for the OSCAR DORVAL FUND... Oscar is a local little 3 year old boy battling cancer right now.

Three students had a bake sale last month to raise money and a few children over-indulged... Good for the fund, not good for the other students who never got to purchase. Mr H sent out a telephone message to parents that if they wished to contribute, more cupcakes would be appreciated. SuperValu has even offered mixes! So if you have a few extra moments tonight, feel free to bake away! Not a baker?  Please lend your child .50 cents or $1.00 to buy a cupcake or two.  They feel great pride in being able to help out, if even in a small way!   Let's have lots of cupcakes for all, and lots of funding to little Oscar and his family!

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