Sunday, March 4, 2012


Just in case you were not aware, the teachers have gone on strike for the next three days (March 5-7)  There is not adequate supervision available at the school, so please do not drop your child off.  There are also no buses.

If you are wondering on the why's and how's of the strike happening, 'Google' BILL 22, go to the BCTF web-site or search it on FB (LOL).  Most everyone has an opinion.   Before you place an opinion, however,  PLEASE be informed of the situation.

Yes.  It IS inconvenient.
Yes. Our children are missing 3 days schooling...
But, weigh the price well.  Let's look long term.

Help our TEACHERS help our children...

"Teaching is not a lost art,
but the regard for it is a lost tradition."
          -Jacques Barzun