Monday, December 13, 2010

Interesting Item sent in from a GES Parent

I am not certain if you can read all the info, if you click on it, it should get bigger. I will also try to photocopy and post on the PAC board as well. Thank you for sending this in, Rita. An excellent subject.

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Newsletter Highlights

For those of you who never see the actual hard-copy of the news letter sent home from school, here is a quick play-by-play:
  • December 8th (TODAY!): 7:00 pm Primary Concert
  • December 9th (TOMORROW!): is early dismissal @ 1:35 pm and make up day for Parent/Teacher interviews. Same time as scheduled last month unless you have changed it with your child's teacher.
  • December 14: 7:00 pm Intermediate Concert (dress rehearsal 1:10??? Dec 13th)
  • December 16: 7:45 to 9:15 AM Breakfast with Santa (sponsored by Starbucks! THX again!)
  • December 17th: Gingerbread House Making
Check the back of your news letter for the Shopping Coupons valid over the Winter Break. Dec 21st (IGA) & January 4th (SuperValu)
  • The school is currently having a Food Drive, so please send your child to school with an extra can of something to donate to the food bank
  • Turkey Vouchers from IGA and SuperValu are also welcome.

The school is also looking for a bar fridge in good condition for the breakfast program.

Family Fun Night raised almost $2400.00 for the library! Thank you to all who helped, in donating, volunteering and of course, in spending! LOL

Monday, December 6, 2010

Another Call! Multi-Tasking

Did you get your auto-phone call from the Principal today? Lots going on. Be sure to check to school calendar!

Nit checks done again today in a few more classrooms. Thank you to the teachers (and students) for allowing us in. A few suggestions to reduce chances of your child getting nits:

- No sharing hats, coats, brushes, hair items at all.
- Keep hair short, braided or in pony-tail/pig-tails

If you have a nit/lice issue and need assistance, please contact Jackie at the school, or myself.

Interesting article in the paper this weekend. Debra Palmer, our superintendent, is stepping down to reprise her role as a principal. If you haven't read the article, go find your paper in the recycling bin. Well worth the read!

It'll be an interesting year next year for the district. Lots of changes. I think most will remain the same here at GES... But I'll let you know as soon as I know.

- Posted using BlogPress from that wonderful, magical, amazing little piece of modern technology.... my iPhone

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Postponed Parent/Teacher Interviews:

Due to inclement weather which led to school closures in the Sunshine Coast School
District on November 25, 2010, Early Dismissals for Parent-Teacher Interviews did
not occur.
Parent-teacher interviews that were scheduled to occur on November 25, 2010 will
now occur on Thursday, December 9, 2010. Bus pick ups will be approximately
two hours earlier than a normal day of instruction (please see our website at for the schedule of school pick ups).

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Pro-D Day Tomorrow

Just a reminder that tomorrow is a Pro-D day! Woot Woot! Enjoy the snow! Oh wait! It's already GONE! LOL

Thursday, November 25, 2010


Got another phone call from the school today. School is closed due to snow! A parent the other day, voiced a concern about the children having to stay outside during lunch and recess in the cold.... I'm not sure about you, but mine still haven't come INSIDE since breakfast! LOL Keep 'em bundled up warm and cozy... find the cocoa and chicken soup and let them "have at 'er"

I've received a few calls asking, but I haven't had it confirmed: I'm assuming parent/teacher interviews are postponed and/or canceled. Maybe call the school tomorrow to reschedule...

Meanwhile, enjoy the snow!

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Baby, It's Cold Outside!

Family First is a program that Elaine Tattrie, one of our SETA's, is involved in, that helps our students and their families who are in need. Some of the current items they are looking for, as mentioned in an earlier post, are coats and boots for those who don't have them. Also, if you have received any Turkey Bucks from IGA or SuperValu, and don't plan on using them... Please donate them to this program. You can leave them at the office with Jackie, or put them in Elaine's 'mail slot' in the staff room. A wonderful cause!

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Early Dismissal Auto-Call

Did you just get your phone-call? Reminder that tomorrow and Thursday are Early Dismissal. Children will still need a lunch for these days. Also, don't forget the library is hosting the Scholastic Book Fair. If you have an extra dollar or two for your child to buy a book, it's well worth the money!

Minutes to this months meeting are coming... REALLY! LOL

Monday, November 22, 2010

Nit Check Update

Today was the first day in a few years that we, the PAC, have been allowed in to check the students' heads for nits. Due to circumstances, only myself and Maria were able to meet. As such, we were only able to do two classrooms. Our thanks to the teachers for inviting us in.

Not surprisingly, nits were found in both classrooms. Messages will be sent out for those classrooms today. As we are able, we will going into EACH classroom. So don't worry if we haven't gotten to your child's class. We will get there... and we will be doing regular, monthly checks.

I found a great web-site for more information on Lice and Nits:
Give it a read-over even if your child has never had lice. If you don't know what you are looking for, or how to fight it... it could just get worse.

If you need equipment or solutions to a chronic nit/lice problem, please do not hesitate to contact myself, on behalf of the PAC, or Jackie Phalen at the school.

Meanwhile, encourage your child NOT to share hair care products (brushes, barrettes & bands), toques/hats, scarves, hoodies, helmets etc.

Friday, November 19, 2010

Nit Patrol

Ah, yes! For anyone interested in helping out with nit-checks... I will be coming in at 9:10 am this Monday (22nd) to show everyone the ropes. It is a wonderful thing that we have been allowed to once again get into the classrooms and check the children. Thanks to Rose, Jennifer and everyone else who helped get this back! Let's not drop the ball! The more volunteers, the faster and easier it gets done.

Of course, anyone wishing to help out (in ANY capacity) at the school has to have an up-to-date criminal record check. If it was over 5 years ago, you have to renew. Pick up the forms from Jackie in the office. The $20 fee is waved. It is valid for ALL SD#46 schools. Be prepared, though: ANYONE who shares their birthdate with a known pedophile, must get fingerprinted. It can be a little daunting, but no big deal. It's just extra security. That's a GOOD thing!

Last week your child went home with the PAC newsletter. If you haven't seen it....ASK! It has tons of information and important upcoming activity dates. I will try to scan a copy on Monday (and each news letter after that) so you can access it either way.

- Posted using BlogPress from that wonderful, magical, amazing little piece of modern technology.... my iPhone


Wow! Did I ever call THAT one! I don't think they'll close the school just yet, mind you... But I'm sure there are a lot of excited children out there! Hope all are dressed warmly. If you are in need of heavy coats or boots, contact the school, or the PAC (message here) There is an active program already in place, I believe. We can work together.

Roads will be slippery, so keep it safe, and drive slowly. School Zone speeds are there for a reason!

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Welcome to the GES PAC Blog!

Hopefully, I will be able to update this Blog more often than I do my personal one! If anyone has any questions, concerns or comments for the PAC, or on behalf of the PAC, please feel free to post them here.

Right now, I am working on transcribing the minutes from yesterday's PAC meeting... they will be on the school web-site soon. We had a good turnout, and lots of great topics were discussed. One thing to mention right off the bat, is that there will not be a PAC meeting in December. Too much going on in everyone's world. The Principal's report is already posted.


  • Just two weeks remaining in the receipt race! Keep those receipts coming! Who's in the lead so far??

  • Please dress your child appropriately for the weather! Snow is in the forecast, and Mr. Heidebrecht likes the children OUTSIDE... So get those heavy coats out of storage! It's always a good idea to have an extra set of clothes left at the school as well.

  • Please don't block the driveway of the school parking lot. We know it's small... We know it's crowded... but if you park your car in the middle of the pass-thru lane, no one can get through to just 'drop-off' their child. Please use a designating parking stall.

  • Garbage and litter are starting to rear their ugly heads once again in the school's fields and playgrounds. If the children don't take care of the situation, Mr. H will. Just a head's up, that food packaging may be banned from the school yard if the situation doesn't get under control. Please remind your children to dispose of all their garbage/recycling properly.

Well, that's about all I can think of for now. Stay-tuned for the PAC minutes on the school site... and as I write them, mayhap, I will think of other things to write here. Meanwhile, enjoy the rest of the week, and get ready for the first snows!