Thursday, November 18, 2010

Welcome to the GES PAC Blog!

Hopefully, I will be able to update this Blog more often than I do my personal one! If anyone has any questions, concerns or comments for the PAC, or on behalf of the PAC, please feel free to post them here.

Right now, I am working on transcribing the minutes from yesterday's PAC meeting... they will be on the school web-site soon. We had a good turnout, and lots of great topics were discussed. One thing to mention right off the bat, is that there will not be a PAC meeting in December. Too much going on in everyone's world. The Principal's report is already posted.


  • Just two weeks remaining in the receipt race! Keep those receipts coming! Who's in the lead so far??

  • Please dress your child appropriately for the weather! Snow is in the forecast, and Mr. Heidebrecht likes the children OUTSIDE... So get those heavy coats out of storage! It's always a good idea to have an extra set of clothes left at the school as well.

  • Please don't block the driveway of the school parking lot. We know it's small... We know it's crowded... but if you park your car in the middle of the pass-thru lane, no one can get through to just 'drop-off' their child. Please use a designating parking stall.

  • Garbage and litter are starting to rear their ugly heads once again in the school's fields and playgrounds. If the children don't take care of the situation, Mr. H will. Just a head's up, that food packaging may be banned from the school yard if the situation doesn't get under control. Please remind your children to dispose of all their garbage/recycling properly.

Well, that's about all I can think of for now. Stay-tuned for the PAC minutes on the school site... and as I write them, mayhap, I will think of other things to write here. Meanwhile, enjoy the rest of the week, and get ready for the first snows!